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Dokumentace struktury LPC_SSPx_Type

Product name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x SSP/SPI Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (SSP0)

#include <LPC11Uxx.h>

Veřejné atributy

__IO uint32_t CR0
__IO uint32_t CR1
__IO uint32_t DR
__I uint32_t SR
__IO uint32_t CPSR
__IO uint32_t IMSC
__I uint32_t RIS
__I uint32_t MIS
__IO uint32_t ICR

Dokumentace k datovým členům

__IO uint32_t LPC_SSPx_Type::CPSR

(@ 0x40040010) Clock Prescale Register

__IO uint32_t LPC_SSPx_Type::CR0

< (@ 0x40040000) SSP0 Structure (@ 0x40040000) Control Register 0. Selects the serial clock rate, bus type, and data size.

__IO uint32_t LPC_SSPx_Type::CR1

(@ 0x40040004) Control Register 1. Selects master/slave and other modes.

__IO uint32_t LPC_SSPx_Type::DR

(@ 0x40040008) Data Register. Writes fill the transmit FIFO, and reads empty the receive FIFO.

__IO uint32_t LPC_SSPx_Type::ICR

(@ 0x40040020) SSPICR Interrupt Clear Register

__IO uint32_t LPC_SSPx_Type::IMSC

(@ 0x40040014) Interrupt Mask Set and Clear Register

__I uint32_t LPC_SSPx_Type::MIS

(@ 0x4004001C) Masked Interrupt Status Register

__I uint32_t LPC_SSPx_Type::RIS

(@ 0x40040018) Raw Interrupt Status Register

__I uint32_t LPC_SSPx_Type::SR

(@ 0x4004000C) Status Register

Dokumentace pro tuto strukturu (struct) byla generována z následujícího souboru: